Looking for a Bloomington, Martinsville or Greenwood Accountant?
Looking for small business bookkeeping or accounting? Our firm partners with small business owners to help them grow their bottom line using the benefits of 100% Accounting. Our mission is to assist the entreprenuer in reducing their taxes, increasing their profitability and helping to manage their cash flow. At Plus Side Accounting our Profit & Growth Experts ADD to your bottom line. "Bookkeeping Services
100% Accounting Service, which includes monthly bookkeeping, financial analysis, financial statement preparation and financial consultation to business owner, including providing suggestions on ways to become more profitable Assistance with obtaining financing" Accurate, timely financial statements. We offer the following FREE services as part of their monthly plan: phone calls from the client, transportation of their financial data to and from their place of business, yearly Business Assessment Report, periodic Break Even Analysis, forecasting and budgeting, and monthly small business guidance tailored to their specific needs. 100% Accounting makes and saves the business money, provides peace of mind and enables the small business owner to spend their time working ON the business, not just IN the business. Call Plus Side Management Resources for all your bookkeeping and accounting needs.
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